Target Settles Data Breach Claims with Banks and Insurers
On Thursday, Target agreed to settle claims with a group of financial institutions arising from its 2013 data breach involving customers’ credit card information. Target reportedly will pay $39 million to settle the class-action suit in federal court in Minnesota. This settlement follows a $67 million settlement with Visa in August and a $10 million settlement of a consumer class action in March.
Chinese Government Arrests Suspected OPM Hackers
The Washington Post reported Wednesday that Chinese officials arrested several hackers purportedly connected with the data breach of 22 million OPM personnel records earlier this year. The arrests occurred shortly before President Xi’s September state visit. The Post noted that one U.S. official responded that “[w]e don’t know that [sic] if the arrests the Chinese purported to have made are the guilty parties . . . [t]here is a history [in China] of people being arrested for things they didn’t do . . . .”
OMB Director Donovan Announces New Federal Privacy Council
In a speech Wednesday to the Federal Privacy Summit, Office of Management & Budget (OMB) Director Shaun Donovan announced the establishment of the Federal Privacy Council. The Council will be tasked with interagency integration and sharing of best-practices and to “professionalize the privacy profession.”Continue Reading Privacy-Cybersecurity Weekly News Update November 29- December 4, 2015