Hackers, terrorists, and cyber criminals have ignited escalating threats to cybersecurity, homeland defense, and privacy largely unanticipated to the legal profession a generation ago. Today, lawyers must grapple with the intersection of technology, information governance, and law, navigating unprecedented legal challenges and crafting practical solutions on the emerging cyber, homeland, and privacy frontiers.
On behalf of the ABA and my colleagues David Bodenheimer, Evan Wolff, and Elliot Golding, I’d like to invite lawyers and law students interested in how to meld law, policy, and technology to an evening of insight and networking with an exceptional cast of experienced and diverse lawyers who have built careers in federal agencies, on the Hill, within the private sector, and at law firms where they have handled the hottest issues in cybersecurity, homeland security, privacy, and all of the above. Please join us at Crowell & Moring on October 14, 2014, for an engaging discussion on where these cyber, homeland, and privacy professionals and senior ABA leaders started, how they arrived, and what they recommend as potential career paths.
For more information and to RSVP, please click here. We will see you there!
Please note that attorneys should register at amcnew@crowell.com for entrance to building. Due to overwhelming demand, all slots for our law students have been filled.