After a year of development, NIST has released the long-awaited Cybersecurity Framework, which promises to have significant implications for the public and private sectors alike. The final version retains much of the Framework Core set forth in the draft version and provides a blueprint to align cybersecurity efforts (along with the accompanying Roadmap document with next steps), but many questions remain, including how to further define voluntary adoption and its incentives, the impact on government contracting, and how third parties may use the standards. For a more detailed analysis of the NIST Cybersecurity Framework and its implications, please see our recent Bullet Analysis.
Please also join Crowell & Moring and The Chertoff Group on February 20, as we host panelists from NIST, DHS, the National Security Staff, and the private sector for a lively discussion regarding this and other critical developments, as well as what to expect in the coming year.